Friday 9 September 2011

The Birds...

Been awhile since the last update on the blog and sadly I do not have any new images to put up on the blog or at least I do not have them with me at the moment. Anyways I have been busy of sorts with having now moved back to Plymouth, in my new house and buzzing to start the final year at Uni. And after having to sort out issues with the house, and the dreaded bank...I am now here in the studio typing this out as I have no internet in my house, yet.
But what I have been up to is that I have started some designs of birds, flying creatures and flying machines for the BAS7 event that is happening here at Plymouth, so when I remember to bring my sketchbook I will post those up to the blog.
Also, the comica competition...I have admittedly not been getting on with that, and I really should as time is running out fast, but I do have a story that will fit the page limit, and have also done some quick character sketches for the comic, but basically I need to get on with it, anyways ciao.

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