Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Thunder Xmas.

Hey people, been experimenting with my art of late particularly with colour. When it comes to colour I normally go for the one colour approach, something I picked up from with reading old comic strips. In the past I would have done a full coloured image but I was never that good or at least I didn't think it was, but now I have been having a stab at it by practicing and here above is the finished article.  

I am pleased with the result but I am well aware that there is still room for improvement, something that will come with continued practice. I also decided to do the same image but finished in the usual one colour tone. I do still like one colour tones and I will still keep using because I feel it is integral to the style of my work but I am hoping that having a better understanding of colouring that it may better inform my work when I do use one tone colouring. Hope you all enjoy the pieces.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Romanian Girl.

I initially did this drawing of Diana from our trip to Romania this summer. This was practice to see if I could draw someone but rendered in my own visual style, and I felt that is had its successes. Then an idea struck me. Bruce Timm is one of my major sources of visual inspiration especially his women and he often does images where he has a black and white visual that he then makes a fully coloured version. So I figured it might be an interesting experiment to try out.
Here is the result of my experiment. The scan does not do the original justice and even with the tweaks from Photoshop it is still an imperfect reproduction. This version is completed mostly with a combination of watercolour pencils and markers. Bruce Timm's colouring has that film noir poster flavour to it, which I did not successfully replicate. Instead I went for a more painterly approach utilizing my old life drawing class techniques. The end result I am particularly pleased with and I will be very open to trying this out again.
Finally I did a quick little additional experiment by overlaying the two images just to see what the outcome would be. Again I think this is another success and perhaps maybe stick to traditional methods for perhaps a full colour comic.

Friday, 9 November 2012


Hey guys, I bring yet another image to my daily sketch. Though this time I decided to colour an image this time in full colour too. It has been awhile since I last used watercolours and it was fun, but a part of me feels this image doesn't show me at my best and maybe that I need to practice again using watercolours. So a bit of a downer on today's image but I think it was a good practice and addressed some technical issues that I will fix later on.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

King of the Rocketmen!

Just a quick one for today, a little sketch from a classic film serial from the 40's The King of the Rocketmen' that I recently watched and loved. I am a sucker for classic, goofy, retro sci-fi.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


Today's daily sketch is of our beloved kooky engineer, Tali from the Mass Effect game series. Overall I quite like how I went about imagining her but I feel that I could have done better, maybe a little less cartoony. I hope you enjoy and I am happy that I am on a roll with the sketches for once.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Retro Power!

Today's daily sketch is the classic look of the Iron Man from Marvel comics. It's been awhile since I have done a superhero drawing, so it was a nice change from the regular space hamster.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Waltz in a gallery.

I am back once again to doing my daily sketches and today I had another go at doing a space hamster comic strip. You will have noticed that the item in the strip that becomes the target of destruction is in fact Marcel Duchamp's famous 'Fountain' during his time with the Dada art movement. 

Looking at this strip I wonder why or what it was that compelled me to draw a strip, destroying a famous piece of art. The only answer that I can think of is the simple task of communicating humour to the audience, much the same way as Duchamp did when he submitted a urinal to the Society of Independent Artists really as to make a joke about the preconceptions of what is art. Asking myself why I do a drawing is a question I sometimes feel I don't ask enough of and it is something to consider and exercise in future projects. I guess the tour guide radio was right, this was thought provoking.