Saturday, 16 June 2012

The Big Sleep chapter 26

Open publication - Free publishing - More chapter 26
Hey folks, I have now uploaded the complete adaptation of a chapter from Raymond Chandler's novel 'The Big Sleep'. It has been a thrill working from the words of Chandler into a comic format and it has truly been a learning curve in how I create narratives. From this project I feel I truly have come into my own and have found a style I am comfortable to utilize in future works. And finally I have found the will to work with a different colour now huzzah.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Where's Agnes?

Hey folks, it has been awhile since I lasted posted up anything but this past month has been super busy. Now finally I have finished adapting a single chapter from Raymond Chandler's novel 'The Big Sleep' into a graphic novel format. I feel that my work has progressed in the direction that I wanted it to and have found a style of narrative that I wish to take to a professional level. Anyways here is a page from the chapter that I adapted, hope you enjoy.