Saturday, 19 February 2011

Life Drawing Hats

Tried painting like Ashley Wood,...... it failed but then again I didn't expect to, and felt like I got something out of it, an expressive painting style that may be worth developing in the future. And I found that I can paint with watercolours with this self portrait I did.

Not a good sign....

Of late I find myself drawing instead of taking notes during lectures, essentially drawing dreams to fedoras....

Sketch for Fun pt 3

Sketch for Fun pt 2

Sketches for Fun

Also I have taken on using biro pens for sketch work in this massive sketchbook I got, some are a bit hit and miss but there are a few that I'm quite proud of in how they turned out. Most of these were done during the Christmas Holidays when I was bored and had nothing better to do in my life.

Blast from the Past

Here are two monoprints from my year on my foundation course back at Truro College. These are prints based off my screw city from the same project.

I Still Live....

It's been awhile since my last update, something that I try to keep on top of but, I enjoy having fun that I forget things like these. Anyway here are some artwork stuff from uni that I have been up to. These are the finals from the Illus 210 project, where I illustrated moments from my families experience during WW2.